Rainbow Creation Sphere


Rainbow Creation Sphere
Smoky Citrine Champagne Quartz
Gorgeous landscapes of rainbows
A perfect manifesting sphere

Measures: 10″ width x 10″ depth x 10″ height
Weight:  44 lbs






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Rainbow Creation Sphere
Smoky Citrine Champagne Quartz

This bright smoky citrine sphere has many gorgeous landscapes of sparkling rainbows. Sitting with quartz that is filled with rainbows brings a sense of hope and optimism. This is the perfect manifesting sphere because it’s uplifting qualities make it easy to imagine what you want for your life. The many amazing spaces inside this crystal make it a dynamic vessel for creation and birth.You can put your old stuck patterns into this special piece, connect with your heart and Higher Self and allow your life to transform into new realities. This amazing sphere is also filled with elemental watery wisps. The element of water symbolizes emotion and helps with emotional balance and healing. This is a beautiful stunning sphere to gaze into.

This light champagne smoky citrine sphere comes from the mountains of Brazil.  When illuminated by the Light Labyrinth, this sphere becomes a celebration of light and color. The planes of inclusions are reminiscent of fractal patterns, and are complex and intriguing from every angle.  Spheres radiate omni-directional and multi-dimensional energies.


Shipping Information

Weight 50 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 14 × 14 in