Colorful Hyponotic Experiences!
Our tools and technology are rooted in modern science and ancient principles of healing
The Light Labyrinth with Music Visualizer
We invite you to experience The Light Labyrinth – a powerful technology combining spectacular crystals with exquisite computerized light programs. You will journey through transcendent beauty with dazzling color and strobing programs projected into quartz crystals.
The Music Visualizer feature provides a multi-sensory auditory and visual feast with your favorite music, your voice, or your instrument. This function accepts audio input from an iPod, stereo system, microphone, guitar, keyboard and more! The ranges of sound frequencies are assigned color combinations that visualize your music. This will enable you to see what you are hearing through a dazzling crystal.
Note: Colors in real life are more rich. We use seven colors of LED lights, whereas your phone, computer, or iPad has only three (RGB).
An Exquisite Multidimensional Journey!
Experience a synergy of light, color, sound, form and beauty;
creating transcendent states of awareness and self-discovery.
Note: Colors in real life are more rich.
We use seven colors of LED lights, whereas your phone, computer, or iPad has only three (RGB).