Conscious Life Expo
February 7 – 10, 2025
LAX Hilton in Los Angeles, CA

Come and experience the beauty of the Holotope and Light Labyrinth technologies in person. In addition to demonstrations, we will also be bringing a dazzling array of crystals for sale.
We will be presenting in the Crystal Consciousness Lounge, on the 2nd Floor Mezzanine Level. Just around the corner from the check-in booth, you’ll find us in San Lorenzo Room A.
Crystal Consciousness Lounge
Friday 1pm-9pm
Saturday 9am-9pm
Sunday 9am-8pm
Kirby Seid: Uncovering the Secrets of the Crystal Skulls and Amazing Gems and Minerals
PODCAST with Debbi Dachinger
1) All about Master Crystal Skulls?
2) How using crystals to heal and transform began?
3) Exploration of the Light Labyrinth
4) Holotope (geometric artwork with fractal patterns) for multi dimensions
5) What Kirby supplies shamans and students of shamanism
6) His passionate for combining modern and ancient technologies, sciences and the sacred, and facilitating group experiences
Discover the mesmerizing world of crystals, ancient technology, and UFO connections in this captivating episode of Dare to Dream Podcast. Join host Debbi Dachinger as she delves into the fascinating realm of Master Crystal Skulls, Light Labyrinths, and Ascension healing tools. With a perfect blend of modern and ancient wisdom, this video uncovers the secrets hidden within these extraordinary crystals.
In this thought-provoking conversation with renowned crystal expert Kirby Seid, you will explore the profound benefits and transformative power that crystals hold. From their healing properties to their role in energy alignment and spiritual growth, Seid sheds light on the remarkable value these mystical gems provide to our lives. Discover the ancient technology embedded within crystal formations and the intriguing connections between crystals, modern technology, and the UFO phenomenon.
Unlock the hidden knowledge and wisdom of the Crystal Skulls and delve into the mesmerizing world of crystals, with this enlightening episode. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to expand your understanding of crystals, their cosmic significance, and their role in our journey of self-discovery. Tune in now and embark on a captivating adventure into the realm of crystals, guided by Kirby Seid and host Debbi Dachinger.
“Dare to Dream” podcast, with host, Debbi Dachinger, offers cutting-edge conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, channeling, healing, UFO’s, paranormal and extraterrestrials. For 16 years Debbi hosts this award-winning podcast. Join Debbi on Instagram: @daretodreampodcast and @debbidachinger
Check out our NEW Crystal Classes!
Crystal Skull Consciousness
Kirby Seid discusses various mystical practices with crystal skulls in traditional and modern times. He describes qualities of quartz, aspects of crystal skull consciousness, and how we can attune ourselves in order to record and tap into cosmic knowledge. Kirby reflects on his influences including Nick Nocerino, ancient artifacts Sha Na Ra, and the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. He also introduces modern master skulls Goliath, Altair and Vega.
CLICK below for a preview:
The Seven Crystal Systems:
Crystal Geometries, Chakras, and Color Therapy
Kirby Seid introduces the seven geometric structures found in crystals, and discusses crystal energy, color and our chakras, and how all these resonances affect our mind-body states.