Welcome to our Meditation SPA!
Bathe in our prismatic relaxation videos

Stimulate your senses with our sound and color meditations
showcasing a blend of lighting features available with the
Light Labyrinth crystal lighting and Holotope technology

Maximize your video player window for the full experience!

These are not computer generated videos. Everything you see is real!

The Holotope


Soak in a color and sound bath with this short meditation featuring single color and multiple color blending with the Holotope meditation technology. Pause this video to spend more time on any frame.

Music by Steven Halpern
“Crystal Chakra”
Crystal Bowl Healing 2.0



Suspend time with this “eyes open” meditation showcasing pre-programmed color blending features available with the Holotope technology.

Music by Steven Halpern
“Optimal Health, Part 8”
Optimal Health at the Speed of Sound


The Light Labyrinth

“Crystal Chakras”

Soak in a color and sound bath with this short meditation featuring single color blending with the Light Labyrinth crystal lighting technology.

14″Ø, 135# nat. quartz sphere

Music by Steven Halpern
“Crystal Chakra”
Crystal Bowl Healing 2.0



Syncopated music and color will revitalize your mind, body, and soul with this crystal meditation featuring the Light Labyrinth Music Visualizer.

9″Ø, 40# nat. quartz sphere

Music by Steven Halpern
“Effortless Relaxation, Part 3”
Effortless Relaxation (subliminal affirmations)


Journey into your imagination with this crystal meditation showcasing a blend of lighting features available with the Light Labyrinth crystal lighting technology.

9″Ø, 40# nat. quartz sphere

Music by Steven Halpern
Sound Healing 432 Hz



Syncopated music and color will revitalize your mind, body, and soul with this crystal meditation featuring the Light Labyrinth Music Visualizer.

9″Ø, 40# nat. quartz sphere

Music by Steven Halpern
“Effortless Relaxation, Part 13”
Effortless Relaxation (subliminal affirmations)